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Epinotia tenerana (Nut Bud Moth)

Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Mjølsnes
Hyttetomta, Svanes (Rogaland, Norway)
Alucita hexadactyla (Many-plumed Moth)
Amblyptilia punctidactyla (Brindled Plume)
Anarta trifolii (The Nutmeg)
Catoptria permutatellus
Cnephasia asseclana (Flax Tortrix)
Cosmia trapezina (The Dun-bar)
Cydia splendana (Marbled Piercer)
Diarsia rubi (Small Square-spot)
Ecliptopera silaceata (Small Phoenix)
Eilema complana (Scarce Footman)
Epinotia nisella (Grey Poplar Bell)
Epinotia solandriana (Variable Bell)
Epinotia tenerana (Nut Bud Moth)
Epirrhoe alternata (Common Carpet)
Eulithis testata (The Chevron)
Eupithecia icterata (Tawny Speckled Pug)
Euxoa obelisca (Square-spot Dart)
Idaea dimidiata (Single-dotted Wave)
Lateroligia ophiogramma (Double Lobed)
Luperina testacea (Flounced Rustic)
Mythimna conigera (Brown-line Bright-eye)
Nomophila noctuella (Rush Veneer)
Notocelia uddmanniana (Bramble Shoot Moth)
Pyrausta despicata (Straw-barred Pearl)
Timandra comae (Blood-vein)
Xestia sexstrigata (Six-striped Rustic)
Xestia xanthographa (Square-spot Rustic)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Presthammer (Rogaland, Norway)
Epinotia tenerana (Nut Bud Moth)
Eupithecia tenuiata
Gnophos obfuscata (Scotch Annulet)
Herminia tarsipennalis (The Fan-foot)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Grønnlien (Vestland, Norway)
Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer)
Alcis repandata (Mottled Beauty)
Argyresthia retinella (Netted Argent)
Argyresthia sorbiella (Gold Rowan Argent)
Cabera pusaria (Common White Wave)
Campaea margaritaria (Light Emerald)
Celypha lacunana (Common Marble)
Colostygia pectinataria (Green Carpet)
Crambus lathoniellus (Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer)
Crambus perlella (Yellow Satin Veneer)
Diarsia brunnea (Purple Clay)
Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay)
Diarsia rubi (Small Square-spot)
Dysstroma citrata (Dark Marbled Carpet)
Dysstroma truncata (Common Marbled Carpet)
Elachista maculicerusella (Triple-spot Dwarf)
Epinotia tenerana (Nut Bud Moth)
Eucosma cana (Hoary Bell)
Eudonia lacustrata (Little Grey)
Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach)
Hellinsia tephradactyla
Herminia tarsipennalis (The Fan-foot)
Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer)
Hylaea fasciaria (Barred Red)
Hypenodes humidalis (Marsh Oblique-barred)
Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (Map-winged Swift)
Laothoe populi (Poplar Hawk-moth)
Lycophotia porphyrea (True Lover's Knot)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Notocelia cynosbatella (Yellow-faced Bell)
Notocelia roborana (Summer Rose Bell)
Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder)
Oligia fasciuncula (Middle-barred Minor)
Oligia latruncula (Tawny Marbled Minor)
Pandemis cerasana (Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix)
Photedes minima (Small Dotted Buff)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Scoparia ambigualis (Common Grey)
Tinea semifulvella (Fulvous Clothes Moth)
Udea prunalis (Dusky Pearl)
Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave)
Xanthorhoe designata (Flame Carpet)
Xanthorhoe montanata (Silver-ground Carpet)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Sjurset (Vestland, Norway)
Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer)
Campaea margaritaria (Light Emerald)
Celypha lacunana (Common Marble)
Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth)
Colostygia pectinataria (Green Carpet)
Crambus lathoniellus (Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer)
Crambus pascuella (Grass-veneer)
Crambus perlella (Yellow Satin Veneer)
Diarsia brunnea (Purple Clay)
Epinotia signatana (Black-brindled Bell)
Epinotia tenerana (Nut Bud Moth)
Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach)
Geometra papilionaria (Large Emerald)
Graphiphora augur (Double Dart)
Hypena proboscidalis (Snout)
Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (Map-winged Swift)
Laothoe populi (Poplar Hawk-moth)
Macaria wauaria (The V-Moth)
Martania taeniata (Barred Carpet)
Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing)
Pandemis cinnamomeana (White-faced Tortrix)
Pasiphila rectangulata (Green Pug)
Perizoma alchemillata (Small Rivulet)
Photedes minima (Small Dotted Buff)
Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet)
Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave)
Xanthorhoe designata (Flame Carpet)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Presthammer (Rogaland, Norway)
Charissa obscurata (The Annulet)
Endothenia quadrimaculana (Blotched Marble)
Epinotia tenerana (Nut Bud Moth)
Notocelia roborana (Summer Rose Bell)
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