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Geometridae (Geometrid moths)

Norwegian moths and butterflies
John Skartveit
Nes (Vestland, Norway)
Dysstroma citrata (Dark Marbled Carpet)
Tortricidae (Tortrix moths)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
John Skartveit
Nes (Vestland, Norway)
Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach)
Tortricidae (Tortrix moths)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Mjølsnes
Hyttetomta, Svanes (Rogaland, Norway)
Acleris variegana (Garden Rose Tortrix)
Aglais io (Peacock Butterfly)
Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Agrochola circellaris (The Brick)
Agrochola helvola (Flounced Chestnut)
Agrochola lota (Red-line Quaker)
Agrochola macilenta (Yellow-line Quaker)
Agrotis ipsilon (Dark Sword-grass)
Amblyptilia acanthadactyla (Beautiful Plume)
Aporophyla nigra (Black Rustic)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Chloroclysta miata (Autumn Green Carpet)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Conistra vaccinii (The Chestnut)
Denticucullus pygmina (Small Wainscot)
Ennomos alniaria (Canary-shouldered Thorn)
Epirrita autumnata (Autumnal Moth)
Epirrita christyi (Pale November Moth)
Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug)
Gonepteryx rhamni (Brimstone)
Hadena bicruris (The Lychnis)
Luperina testacea (Flounced Rustic)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Teleiopsis diffinis (Large Groundling)
Thera britannica (Spruce Carpet)
Thera firmata (Pine Carpet)
Thera obeliscata (Grey Pine Carpet)
Xanthia togata (Pink-barred Sallow)
Xestia xanthographa (Square-spot Rustic)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Mjølsnes
Hyttetomta, Svanes (Rogaland, Norway)
Epirrita dilutata (November Moth)
Udea ferrugalis (Rusty-dot Pearl)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Pål Mølnvik
Gran (Trøndelag, Norway)
Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Erannis defoliaria (Mottled Umber)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Pål Mølnvik
Gran (Trøndelag, Norway)
Agriopis aurantiaria (Scarce Umber)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Presthammer (Rogaland, Norway)
Agrochola lota (Red-line Quaker)
Aporophyla nigra (Black Rustic)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Hydraecia micacea (Rosy Rustic)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Thera britannica (Spruce Carpet)
Xanthia togata (Pink-barred Sallow)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Presthammer (Rogaland, Norway)
Agrochola lota (Red-line Quaker)
Agrochola macilenta (Yellow-line Quaker)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Chloroclysta miata (Autumn Green Carpet)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Even Mjaaland
Øvrabø (Rogaland, Norway)
Acleris comariana/laterana
Agrochola helvola (Flounced Chestnut)
Agrochola macilenta (Yellow-line Quaker)
Allophyes oxyacanthae (Green-brindled Crescent)
Chloroclysta miata (Autumn Green Carpet)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Conistra vaccinii (The Chestnut)
Denticucullus pygmina (Small Wainscot)
Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug)
Griposia aprilina (Merveille du Jour)
Ypsolopha ustella (Variable Smudge)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
John Skartveit
NLA Lærerhøgskolen (Vestland, Norway)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Epirrita autumnata (Autumnal Moth)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Presthammer (Rogaland, Norway)
Agrochola lota (Red-line Quaker)
Aporophyla nigra (Black Rustic)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Phlogophora meticulosa (Angle Shades)
Thera firmata (Pine Carpet)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
John Skartveit
Raknes (Vestland, Norway)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Epirrita autumnata (Autumnal Moth)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Olav Krogsæter
Morland (Vestland, Norway)
Acleris variegana (Garden Rose Tortrix)
Agrochola circellaris (The Brick)
Agrochola helvola (Flounced Chestnut)
Allophyes oxyacanthae (Green-brindled Crescent)
Aporophyla nigra (Black Rustic)
Chloroclysta miata (Autumn Green Carpet)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Denticucullus pygmina (Small Wainscot)
Dysstroma citrata (Dark Marbled Carpet)
Gonepteryx rhamni (Brimstone)
Thera obeliscata (Grey Pine Carpet)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Presthammer (Rogaland, Norway)
Agrochola lota (Red-line Quaker)
Agrochola macilenta (Yellow-line Quaker)
Aporophyla nigra (Black Rustic)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Denticucullus pygmina (Small Wainscot)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Presthammer (Rogaland, Norway)
Agrochola lota (Red-line Quaker)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Udea ferrugalis (Rusty-dot Pearl)
Ypsolopha dentella (Honeysuckle Moth)
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