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Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Mjølsnes
Kvassheim (Rogaland, Norway)
Elachista apicipunctella (Pearl Dwarf)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Mjølsnes
Kvassheim (Rogaland, Norway)
Elachista maculicerusella (Triple-spot Dwarf)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Alf Tore Mjøs
Revtangen Ornitologiske Stasjon (Rogaland, Norway)
Aethes smeathmanniana (Yarrow Conch)
Agrotis clavis (Heart and Club)
Agrotis exclamationis (Heart and Dart)
Agrotis segetum (Turnip Moth)
Apamea remissa (Dusky Brocade)
Apamea sordens (Rustic Shoulder-knot)
Apamea unanimis (Small Clouded Brindle)
Argyresthia conjugella (Apple Fruit Moth)
Aspilapteryx tringipennella (Ribwort Slender)
Bactra furfurana (Mottled Marble)
Bactra lancealana (Rush Marble)
Caradrina morpheus (Mottled Rustic)
Celypha cespitana (Thyme Marble)
Celypha lacunana (Common Marble)
Ceramica pisi (Broom Moth)
Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth)
Chrysoteuchia culmella (Garden Grass-veneer)
Cnephasia asseclana (Flax Tortrix)
Colostygia pectinataria (Green Carpet)
Crambus pascuella (Grass-veneer)
Crambus perlella (Yellow Satin Veneer)
Cydia succedana
Diarsia rubi (Small Square-spot)
Donacaula mucronella
Elachista argentella (Swan-feather Dwarf)
Electrophaes corylata (Broken-barred Carpet)
Elophila nymphaeata (Brown China-mark)
Endrosis sarcitrella (White-shouldered House Moth)
Epiblema grandaevana (Great Bell)
Eucosma campoliliana (Marbled Bell)
Eudonia pallida (Marsh Grey)
Eupithecia centaureata (Lime-speck Pug)
Eupithecia vulgata (Common Pug)
Gillmeria pallidactyla (Yarrow Plume)
Hada plebeja (The Shears)
Hadena bicruris (The Lychnis)
Hadena confusa (Marbled Coronet)
Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix)
Hepialus humuli (Ghost Moth)
Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth)
Hypena proboscidalis (Snout)
Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (Map-winged Swift)
Lacanobia oleracea (Bright-line Brown-eye)
Laothoe populi (Poplar Hawk-moth)
Longalatedes elymi (Lyme Grass)
Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot)
Nemapogon cloacella (Cork Moth)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Notocelia cynosbatella (Yellow-faced Bell)
Nudaria mundana (Muslin Footman)
Nymphula nitidulata (Beautiful China-mark)
Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder)
Oligia fasciuncula (Middle-barred Minor)
Oligia strigilis (Marbled Minor)
Opisthograptis luteolata (Brimstone Moth)
Pandemis cerasana (Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix)
Perizoma alchemillata (Small Rivulet)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Pterophorus pentadactyla (White Plume)
Ptilodon capucina (Coxcomb Prominent)
Spilosoma lubricipeda (White Ermine)
Tinea semifulvella (Fulvous Clothes Moth)
Xanthorhoe montanata (Silver-ground Carpet)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Alf Tore Mjøs
Revtangen Ornitologiske Stasjon (Rogaland, Norway)
Acleris bergmanniana (Yellow Rose Button)
Agrotis exclamationis (Heart and Dart)
Apamea crenata (Clouded-bordered Brindle)
Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches)
Apamea remissa (Dusky Brocade)
Apamea sordens (Rustic Shoulder-knot)
Aspilapteryx tringipennella (Ribwort Slender)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Caradrina morpheus (Mottled Rustic)
Celypha cespitana (Thyme Marble)
Celypha lacunana (Common Marble)
Ceramica pisi (Broom Moth)
Chrysoteuchia culmella (Garden Grass-veneer)
Coleophora albidella (White Sallow Case-bearer)
Colostygia pectinataria (Green Carpet)
Crambus perlella (Yellow Satin Veneer)
Diarsia rubi (Small Square-spot)
Donacaula mucronella
Elachista argentella (Swan-feather Dwarf)
Endrosis sarcitrella (White-shouldered House Moth)
Epermenia illigerella
Eucosma campoliliana (Marbled Bell)
Eucosma obumbratana (Two-coloured Bell)
Eudonia pallida (Marsh Grey)
Eupithecia centaureata (Lime-speck Pug)
Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix)
Idaea dimidiata (Single-dotted Wave)
Lacanobia oleracea (Bright-line Brown-eye)
Laothoe populi (Poplar Hawk-moth)
Leucania comma (Shoulder-striped Wainscot)
Lycophotia porphyrea (True Lover's Knot)
Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Notocelia cynosbatella (Yellow-faced Bell)
Nudaria mundana (Muslin Footman)
Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder)
Oligia fasciuncula (Middle-barred Minor)
Oligia strigilis (Marbled Minor)
Pandemis cerasana (Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix)
Photedes minima (Small Dotted Buff)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Sideridis reticulata (Bordered Gothic)
Spilosoma lubricipeda (White Ermine)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Alf Tore Mjøs
Revtangen Ornitologiske Stasjon (Rogaland, Norway)
Agrotis exclamationis (Heart and Dart)
Agrotis ipsilon (Dark Sword-grass)
Agrotis segetum (Turnip Moth)
Ancylis subarcuana (Creeping Willow Roller)
Apamea crenata (Clouded-bordered Brindle)
Apamea sordens (Rustic Shoulder-knot)
Apamea unanimis (Small Clouded Brindle)
Argyresthia conjugella (Apple Fruit Moth)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Bryotropha terrella (Cinereous Groundling)
Campaea margaritaria (Light Emerald)
Caradrina morpheus (Mottled Rustic)
Celypha cespitana (Thyme Marble)
Celypha lacunana (Common Marble)
Ceramica pisi (Broom Moth)
Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth)
Chrysoteuchia culmella (Garden Grass-veneer)
Coleophora albidella (White Sallow Case-bearer)
Colostygia pectinataria (Green Carpet)
Crambus pascuella (Grass-veneer)
Crambus perlella (Yellow Satin Veneer)
Diacrisia sannio (Clouded Buff)
Diarsia rubi (Small Square-spot)
Donacaula mucronella
Elachista argentella (Swan-feather Dwarf)
Eucosma campoliliana (Marbled Bell)
Eucosma obumbratana (Two-coloured Bell)
Eupithecia venosata (Netted Pug)
Eupithecia vulgata (Common Pug)
Euplexia lucipara (Small Angle Shades)
Hada plebeja (The Shears)
Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix)
Hepialus humuli (Ghost Moth)
Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (Map-winged Swift)
Lacanobia oleracea (Bright-line Brown-eye)
Laothoe populi (Poplar Hawk-moth)
Leucania comma (Shoulder-striped Wainscot)
Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Nomophila noctuella (Rush Veneer)
Notocelia cynosbatella (Yellow-faced Bell)
Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder)
Oligia fasciuncula (Middle-barred Minor)
Oligia strigilis (Marbled Minor)
Pandemis cerasana (Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix)
Photedes minima (Small Dotted Buff)
Platyptilia gonodactyla (Triangle Plume)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Pyla fusca (Brown Knot-horn)
Rusina ferruginea (Brown Rustic)
Spilosoma lubricipeda (White Ermine)
Thera britannica (Spruce Carpet)
Tinea semifulvella (Fulvous Clothes Moth)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Alf Tore Mjøs
Revtangen Ornitologiske Stasjon (Rogaland, Norway)
Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Agrotis exclamationis (Heart and Dart)
Agrotis segetum (Turnip Moth)
Apamea sordens (Rustic Shoulder-knot)
Argyresthia conjugella (Apple Fruit Moth)
Aspilapteryx tringipennella (Ribwort Slender)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Caradrina morpheus (Mottled Rustic)
Celypha cespitana (Thyme Marble)
Celypha lacunana (Common Marble)
Ceramica pisi (Broom Moth)
Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth)
Chrysoteuchia culmella (Garden Grass-veneer)
Coenonympha pamphilus (Small Heath)
Colostygia pectinataria (Green Carpet)
Crambus lathoniellus (Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer)
Crambus pascuella (Grass-veneer)
Crambus perlella (Yellow Satin Veneer)
Deilephila elpenor (Elephant Hawk-moth)
Diacrisia sannio (Clouded Buff)
Diarsia rubi (Small Square-spot)
Donacaula mucronella
Elachista argentella (Swan-feather Dwarf)
Elachista canapennella (Little Dwarf)
Epiblema grandaevana (Great Bell)
Eucosma campoliliana (Marbled Bell)
Eucosma obumbratana (Two-coloured Bell)
Eupithecia vulgata (Common Pug)
Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix)
Hepialus humuli (Ghost Moth)
Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (Map-winged Swift)
Lacanobia oleracea (Bright-line Brown-eye)
Laothoe populi (Poplar Hawk-moth)
Leucania comma (Shoulder-striped Wainscot)
Leucania obsoleta (Obscure Wainscot)
Longalatedes elymi (Lyme Grass)
Lycaena phlaeas (Small Copper)
Macrothylacia rubi (Fox Moth)
Maniola jurtina (Meadow Brown)
Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Notocelia cynosbatella (Yellow-faced Bell)
Notocelia uddmanniana (Bramble Shoot Moth)
Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder)
Oligia fasciuncula (Middle-barred Minor)
Oligia strigilis (Marbled Minor)
Pandemis cerasana (Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Scoparia subfusca (Large Grey)
Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)
Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Alf Tore Mjøs
Revtangen Ornitologiske Stasjon (Rogaland, Norway)
Agrotis exclamationis (Heart and Dart)
Agrotis segetum (Turnip Moth)
Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches)
Apamea remissa (Dusky Brocade)
Apamea sordens (Rustic Shoulder-knot)
Aspilapteryx tringipennella (Ribwort Slender)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Camptogramma bilineata (Yellow Shell)
Caradrina morpheus (Mottled Rustic)
Celypha cespitana (Thyme Marble)
Ceramica pisi (Broom Moth)
Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth)
Chrysoteuchia culmella (Garden Grass-veneer)
Crambus perlella (Yellow Satin Veneer)
Diarsia rubi (Small Square-spot)
Elachista canapennella (Little Dwarf)
Endrosis sarcitrella (White-shouldered House Moth)
Eucosma campoliliana (Marbled Bell)
Hada plebeja (The Shears)
Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix)
Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (Map-winged Swift)
Lacanobia oleracea (Bright-line Brown-eye)
Leucania comma (Shoulder-striped Wainscot)
Maniola jurtina (Meadow Brown)
Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Notocelia cynosbatella (Yellow-faced Bell)
Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder)
Oligia fasciuncula (Middle-barred Minor)
Oligia strigilis (Marbled Minor)
Phlogophora meticulosa (Angle Shades)
Pieris brassicae (Large White)
Pieris napi (Green-veined White)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)
Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady)
Xestia c-nigrum (Setaceous Hebrew Character)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Alf Tore Mjøs
Revtangen Ornitologiske Stasjon (Rogaland, Norway)
Agrotis exclamationis (Heart and Dart)
Agrotis segetum (Turnip Moth)
Apamea anceps (Large Nutmeg)
Apamea remissa (Dusky Brocade)
Apamea sordens (Rustic Shoulder-knot)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Caradrina morpheus (Mottled Rustic)
Ceramica pisi (Broom Moth)
Chrysoteuchia culmella (Garden Grass-veneer)
Diarsia rubi (Small Square-spot)
Elachista argentella (Swan-feather Dwarf)
Elachista canapennella (Little Dwarf)
Epinotia subocellana (White Sallow Bell)
Eupithecia centaureata (Lime-speck Pug)
Hada plebeja (The Shears)
Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (Map-winged Swift)
Notocelia cynosbatella (Yellow-faced Bell)
Oligia strigilis (Marbled Minor)
Pterostoma palpina (Pale Prominent)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Alf Tore Mjøs
Hosanger (Vestland, Norway)
Autographa pulchrina (Beautiful Golden Y)
Bryotropha terrella (Cinereous Groundling)
Cabera pusaria (Common White Wave)
Celypha lacunana (Common Marble)
Chloroclysta miata (Autumn Green Carpet)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Crambus lathoniellus (Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer)
Dichrorampha plumbana (Lead-coloured Drill)
Ectropis crepuscularia (Small Engrailed)
Elachista apicipunctella (Pearl Dwarf)
Ematurga atomaria (Common Heath)
Epiblema scutulana (Thistle Bell)
Epinotia subocellana (White Sallow Bell)
Eupithecia analoga
Eupithecia assimilata (Currant Pug)
Eupithecia satyrata (Satyr Pug)
Eupithecia vulgata (Common Pug)
Glyphipterix simpliciella (Cocksfoot Moth)
Hada plebeja (The Shears)
Lampronia corticella (Raspberry Moth)
Lomaspilis marginata (Clouded Border)
Neofaculta ericetella (Heather Groundling)
Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder)
Oligia latruncula (Tawny Marbled Minor)
Orthotaenia undulana (Woodland Marble)
Phyllonorycter hilarella (Sallow Midget)
Plagodis pulveraria (Barred Umber)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Rhopobota myrtillana
Rusina ferruginea (Brown Rustic)
Schreckensteinia festaliella (Bramble False-feather)
Scoparia ambigualis (Common Grey)
Sphinx pinastri (Pine Hawk-moth)
Xanthorhoe designata (Flame Carpet)
Xanthorhoe montanata (Silver-ground Carpet)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Tore Vogsland
Drangedal (Telemark, Norway)
Agonopterix kaekeritziana (Straw Flat-body)
Diaphora mendica (Muslin Moth)
Dichrorampha agilana
Elachista adscitella
Pterapherapteryx sexalata (Small Seraphim)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Tore Vogsland
Drangedal (Telemark, Norway)
Apotomis infida (Rannoch Marble)
Elachista albifrontella (White-headed Dwarf)
Euplexia lucipara (Small Angle Shades)
Gypsonoma sociana (White Cloaked Shoot)
Scoparia subfusca (Large Grey)
Tinea semifulvella (Fulvous Clothes Moth)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Gjøvik (Innlandet, Norway)
Anania funebris
Ancylis badiana (Common Roller)
Celypha lacunana (Common Marble)
Chiasmia clathrata (Latticed Heath)
Clepsis senecionana (Obscure Tortrix)
Cochylidia heydeniana (Blue-fleabane Conch)
Coleophora otidipennella (Wood-rush Case-bearer)
Crambus lathoniellus (Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer)
Elachista subalbidella (Buff Dwarf)
Epiblema scutulana (Thistle Bell)
Epinotia subocellana (White Sallow Bell)
Epirrhoe alternata (Common Carpet)
Eupithecia plumbeolata (Lead-coloured Pug)
Glyphipterix bergstraesserella
Grapholita compositella (Triple-stripe Piercer)
Hellinsia osteodactylus
Lampronia capitella (Currant-shoot Borer)
Mompha idaei
Nematopogon schwarziellus (Sandy Long-horn)
Udea lutealis (Pale Straw Pearl)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Korgen (Innlandet, Norway)
Aethes smeathmanniana (Yarrow Conch)
Coleophora deauratella (Red-clover Case-bearer)
Dichrorampha agilana
Elachista freyerella
Epiblema scutulana (Thistle Bell)
Plutella porrectella (Grey-streaked Smudge)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Vinstra (Innlandet, Norway)
Aethes margaritana (Silver Coast Conch)
Aethes smeathmanniana (Yarrow Conch)
Argyroploce arbutella
Celypha lacunana (Common Marble)
Celypha rufana
Coleophora frischella (White-clover Case-bearer)
Cydia albipicta
Dichrorampha obscuratana
Dichrorampha petiverella (Common Drill)
Elachista subalbidella (Buff Dwarf)
Grapholita compositella (Triple-stripe Piercer)
Phycitodes maritima (Chalk Knot-horn)
Pleurota bicostella (Light Streak)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Hesteskobakken (Innlandet, Norway)
Chiasmia clathrata (Latticed Heath)
Clepsis senecionana (Obscure Tortrix)
Cochylis nana (Birch Conch)
Dichrorampha plumbagana (Silver-lined Drill)
Elachista subalbidella (Buff Dwarf)
Epirrhoe tristata (Small Argent and Sable)
Eucosma fulvana
Eucosma hohenwartiana (Bright Bell)
Euhyponomeuta stannella
Eupithecia satyrata (Satyr Pug)
Geina didactyla
Gillmeria pallidactyla (Yarrow Plume)
Glyphipterix simpliciella (Cocksfoot Moth)
Grapholita compositella (Triple-stripe Piercer)
Lampronia capitella (Currant-shoot Borer)
Olethreutes arcuella
Orthotaenia undulana (Woodland Marble)
Pyrausta aurata (Small Purple and Gold)
Scopula immorata (Lewes Wave)
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