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Epinotia brunnichana (Large Birch Bell)

Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Sørborg (Vestland, Norway)
Acleris laterana (Dark-triangle Button)
Acleris rhombana (Rhomboid Tortrix)
Acleris sparsana (Ashy Button)
Agrochola helvola (Flounced Chestnut)
Agrochola macilenta (Yellow-line Quaker)
Allophyes oxyacanthae (Green-brindled Crescent)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Denticucullus pygmina (Small Wainscot)
Epinotia brunnichana (Large Birch Bell)
Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug)
Hypatima rhomboidella (Square-spot Crest)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Thera firmata (Pine Carpet)
Thera obeliscata (Grey Pine Carpet)
Ypsolopha parenthesella (White-shouldered Smudge)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Sørborg (Vestland, Norway)
Acleris effractana/emargana
Acleris laterana (Dark-triangle Button)
Acleris rhombana (Rhomboid Tortrix)
Acleris sparsana (Ashy Button)
Acleris variegana (Garden Rose Tortrix)
Agonopterix nervosa (Dark-fringed Flat-body)
Agrochola helvola (Flounced Chestnut)
Allophyes oxyacanthae (Green-brindled Crescent)
Alucita hexadactyla (Many-plumed Moth)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Caloptilia betulicola/elongella
Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Diarsia dahlii (Barred Chestnut)
Dysstroma citrata (Dark Marbled Carpet)
Dysstroma latefasciata
Epinotia brunnichana (Large Birch Bell)
Epinotia nisella (Grey Poplar Bell)
Epinotia ramella (Small Birch Bell)
Epinotia trigonella (White-blotch Bell)
Eudonia truncicolella (Ground-moss Grey)
Eugnorisma glareosa (Autumnal Rustic)
Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug)
Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer)
Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Phlogophora meticulosa (Angle Shades)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Rhopobota naevana (Holly Tortrix)
Thera firmata (Pine Carpet)
Thera obeliscata (Grey Pine Carpet)
Xanthia togata (Pink-barred Sallow)
Xestia c-nigrum (Setaceous Hebrew Character)
Ypsolopha parenthesella (White-shouldered Smudge)
Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana (Spruce Bud Moth)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Sørborg (Vestland, Norway)
Acleris ferrugana (Rusty Oak Button)
Acleris laterana (Dark-triangle Button)
Acleris rhombana (Rhomboid Tortrix)
Acleris sparsana (Ashy Button)
Acleris variegana (Garden Rose Tortrix)
Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer)
Agrochola helvola (Flounced Chestnut)
Allophyes oxyacanthae (Green-brindled Crescent)
Aporophyla nigra (Black Rustic)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Bactra lacteana/lancealana/robustana
Caloptilia betulicola/elongella
Camptogramma bilineata (Yellow Shell)
Celaena haworthii (Haworth's Minor)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Denticucullus pygmina (Small Wainscot)
Diarsia dahlii (Barred Chestnut)
Dysstroma citrata (Dark Marbled Carpet)
Enargia paleacea (Angle-striped Sallow)
Epinotia brunnichana (Large Birch Bell)
Epinotia ramella (Small Birch Bell)
Epinotia solandriana (Variable Bell)
Eudonia truncicolella (Ground-moss Grey)
Eugnorisma glareosa (Autumnal Rustic)
Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach)
Eulithis testata (The Chevron)
Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug)
Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer)
Hypatima rhomboidella (Square-spot Crest)
Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing)
Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana (Yellow-spot Tortrix)
Rhopobota naevana (Holly Tortrix)
Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet)
Thera firmata (Pine Carpet)
Thera obeliscata (Grey Pine Carpet)
Xanthia togata (Pink-barred Sallow)
Xanthorhoe fluctuata (Garden Carpet)
Ypsolopha dentella (Honeysuckle Moth)
Ypsolopha parenthesella (White-shouldered Smudge)
Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana (Spruce Bud Moth)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Sørborg (Vestland, Norway)
Acleris laterana (Dark-triangle Button)
Acleris rhombana (Rhomboid Tortrix)
Acleris sparsana (Ashy Button)
Acleris variegana (Garden Rose Tortrix)
Agrochola helvola (Flounced Chestnut)
Allophyes oxyacanthae (Green-brindled Crescent)
Argyresthia aurulentella (Gold Juniper Argent)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet)
Denticucullus pygmina (Small Wainscot)
Diarsia dahlii (Barred Chestnut)
Dysstroma citrata (Dark Marbled Carpet)
Endrosis sarcitrella (White-shouldered House Moth)
Epinotia brunnichana (Large Birch Bell)
Epinotia nisella (Grey Poplar Bell)
Epinotia ramella (Small Birch Bell)
Epinotia trigonella (White-blotch Bell)
Eudonia truncicolella (Ground-moss Grey)
Eugnorisma glareosa (Autumnal Rustic)
Eulithis testata (The Chevron)
Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug)
Hydraecia micacea (Rosy Rustic)
Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer)
Hypatima rhomboidella (Square-spot Crest)
Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Rhopobota naevana (Holly Tortrix)
Thera firmata (Pine Carpet)
Thera obeliscata (Grey Pine Carpet)
Ypsolopha parenthesella (White-shouldered Smudge)
Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana (Spruce Bud Moth)