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Aricia eumedon

Norwegian moths and butterflies
Leiv Tommas Haugen
Olderskogen (Innlandet, Norway)
Aethes smeathmanniana (Yarrow Conch)
Amblyptilia punctidactyla (Brindled Plume)
Aricia eumedon
Cydia strobilella (Spruce Seed Moth)
Dichrorampha plumbana (Lead-coloured Drill)
Eulia ministrana (Brassy Tortrix)
Eupithecia satyrata (Satyr Pug)
Eupithecia vulgata (Common Pug)
Hellinsia didactylites
Perizoma albulata (Grass Rivulet)
Phyllonorycter hilarella (Sallow Midget)
Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella (Red Birch Midget)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Kongsbergveien v/ Elgsjø (Telemark, Norway)
Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Aricia eumedon
Boloria selene (Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Lasiommata maera (Large Wall Brown)
Pieris rapae (Small White)
Pyrgus centaureae (Northern Grizzled Skipper)
Scotopteryx chenopodiata (Shaded Broad-bar)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ivar Stormo
Arabygdi (Telemark, Norway)
Aricia artaxerxes (Mountain Argus)
Aricia eumedon
Coenonympha pamphilus (Small Heath)
Parasemia plantaginis (Wood Tiger)
Parnassius mnemosyne (Clouded Apollo)
Scotopteryx chenopodiata (Shaded Broad-bar)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Ole Terland
Tafjord (Gamle Rødalsvegen) (Møre og Romsdal, Norway)
Aricia artaxerxes (Mountain Argus)
Aricia eumedon
Boloria selene (Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Callophrys rubi (Green Hairstreak)
Lasiommata petropolitana (Northern Wall Brown)
Leptidea sinapis (Wood White)
Lycaena hippothoe (Purple-edged Copper)
Ochlodes sylvanus (Large Skipper)
Parnassius mnemosyne (Clouded Apollo)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Even Mjaaland
Dalen (Telemark, Norway)
Agonopterix ciliella/heracliana
Amblyptilia punctidactyla (Brindled Plume)
Anania funebris
Ancylis badiana (Common Roller)
Ancylis diminutana (Small Festooned Roller)
Ancylis myrtillana
Aricia eumedon
Caloptilia stigmatella (White-triangle Slender)
Chiasmia clathrata (Latticed Heath)
Clostera pigra (Small Chocolate-tip)
Cochylis dubitana (Little Conch)
Elachista apicipunctella (Pearl Dwarf)
Ematurga atomaria (Common Heath)
Epermenia chaerophyllella (Golden Lance-wing)
Epiblema cirsiana/scutulana/sticticana
Euclidia glyphica (Burnet Companion)
Eupithecia conterminata
Eupithecia satyrata (Satyr Pug)
Glaucopsyche alexis (Green-underside Blue)
Glyphipterix haworthana (Cotton-grass Fanner)
Glyphipterix simpliciella (Cocksfoot Moth)
Gracillaria syringella (Lilac Leafminer)
Hellinsia didactylites
Lomaspilis marginata (Clouded Border)
Neofaculta ericetella (Heather Groundling)
Phyllocnistis labyrinthella
Phyllonorycter strigulatella (Grey-alder Midget)
Polygonia c-album (Comma Butterfly)
Rhigognostis schmaltzella
Schreckensteinia festaliella (Bramble False-feather)
Tinagma perdicella
Xanthorhoe montanata (Silver-ground Carpet)
Xanthorhoe spadicearia (Red Twin-spot Carpet)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Stein Rui
Andersbonnveien, Kodal (Vestfold, Norway)
Aricia eumedon
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Nils Rogn
Rogn (Innlandet, Norway)
Ancylis badiana (Common Roller)
Ancylis subarcuana (Creeping Willow Roller)
Argyresthia conjugella (Apple Fruit Moth)
Aricia eumedon
Chrysoteuchia culmella (Garden Grass-veneer)
Hellinsia didactylites
Perizoma alchemillata (Small Rivulet)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Morten S. Mølgaard
Sikkilsdalsseter (Innlandet, Norway)
Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Aricia artaxerxes (Mountain Argus)
Aricia eumedon
Boloria euphrosyne (Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Boloria napaea (Mountain Fritillary)
Boloria selene (Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Colias palaeno (Moorland Clouded Yellow)
Erebia ligea (Arran Brown)
Lycaena hippothoe (Purple-edged Copper)
Plebejus idas (Idas blue)
Plebejus orbitulus (Alpine Blue)
Pyrgus alveus (Large Grizzled Skipper)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Morten S. Mølgaard
Sikkilsdalsseter (Innlandet, Norway)
Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Argynnis aglaja (Dark Green Fritillary)
Aricia artaxerxes (Mountain Argus)
Aricia eumedon
Boloria euphrosyne (Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Boloria napaea (Mountain Fritillary)
Boloria selene (Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Colias palaeno (Moorland Clouded Yellow)
Cyaniris semiargus (Mazarine Blue)
Erebia ligea (Arran Brown)
Lycaena hippothoe (Purple-edged Copper)
Plebejus idas (Idas blue)
Plebejus orbitulus (Alpine Blue)
Pyrgus alveus (Large Grizzled Skipper)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Øyvind Stickler
Homme Nordre (Telemark, Norway)
Adscita statices (Forester)
Aricia eumedon
Boloria selene (Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Coenonympha pamphilus (Small Heath)
Diacrisia sannio (Clouded Buff)
Euclidia glyphica (Burnet Companion)
Gonepteryx rhamni (Brimstone)
Lomaspilis marginata (Clouded Border)
Nymphalis antiopa (Camberwell Beauty)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Eivind Nielsen
Gudvangen (Vestland, Norway)
Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Anthocharis cardamines (Orange Tip)
Aplocera plagiata (Treble-bar)
Aricia eumedon
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Boloria selene (Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Camptogramma bilineata (Yellow Shell)
Coenonympha pamphilus (Small Heath)
Erebia ligea (Arran Brown)
Lasiocampa quercus (Oak Eggar)
Lasiommata maera (Large Wall Brown)
Leptidea sinapis (Wood White)
Lycaena hippothoe (Purple-edged Copper)
Lycaena phlaeas (Small Copper)
Phragmatobia fuliginosa (Ruby Tiger)
Phymatopus hecta (Gold Swift)
Pieris napi (Green-veined White)
Pseudopanthera macularia (Speckled Yellow)
Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)
Xanthorhoe montanata (Silver-ground Carpet)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Eivind Nielsen
Gudvangen (Vestland, Norway)
Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Anthocharis cardamines (Orange Tip)
Aplocera plagiata (Treble-bar)
Aporia crataegi (Black-veined White)
Aricia eumedon
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Boloria euphrosyne (Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Boloria selene (Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Cabera pusaria (Common White Wave)
Camptogramma bilineata (Yellow Shell)
Coenonympha pamphilus (Small Heath)
Erynnis tages (Dingy Skipper)
Lasiommata maera (Large Wall Brown)
Leptidea sinapis (Wood White)
Lycaena phlaeas (Small Copper)
Lythria cruentaria
Ochlodes sylvanus (Large Skipper)
Papilio machaon (Swallowtail)
Phymatopus hecta (Gold Swift)
Pieris napi (Green-veined White)
Pseudopanthera macularia (Speckled Yellow)
Scopula floslactata (Cream Wave)
Scotopteryx chenopodiata (Shaded Broad-bar)
Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)
Xanthorhoe montanata (Silver-ground Carpet)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Eivind Nielsen
Bakka (Vestland, Norway)
Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Aplocera plagiata (Treble-bar)
Aricia eumedon
Boloria selene (Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Cabera pusaria (Common White Wave)
Camptogramma bilineata (Yellow Shell)
Coenonympha pamphilus (Small Heath)
Lasiommata maera (Large Wall Brown)
Leptidea sinapis (Wood White)
Lycaena phlaeas (Small Copper)
Lycaena virgaureae (Scarce Copper)
Ochlodes sylvanus (Large Skipper)
Papilio machaon (Swallowtail)
Pieris napi (Green-veined White)
Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)
Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Nils Rogn
Rogn (Innlandet, Norway)
Aricia eumedon
Boloria selene (Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Even Mjaaland
Eidsborg (Telemark, Norway)
Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell)
Anania funebris
Anthocharis cardamines (Orange Tip)
Aricia eumedon
Boloria euphrosyne (Pearl-bordered Fritillary)
Bucculatrix nigricomella (Daisy Bent-wing)
Cabera pusaria (Common White Wave)
Celypha lacunana (Common Marble)
Chiasmia clathrata (Latticed Heath)
Chrysoteuchia culmella (Garden Grass-veneer)
Crambus lathoniellus (Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer)
Cyaniris semiargus (Mazarine Blue)
Erynnis tages (Dingy Skipper)
Euclidia glyphica (Burnet Companion)
Glaucopsyche alexis (Green-underside Blue)
Glyphipterix simpliciella (Cocksfoot Moth)
Lasiommata maera (Large Wall Brown)
Ochlodes sylvanus (Large Skipper)
Pieris napi (Green-veined White)
Pieris rapae (Small White)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Polygonia c-album (Comma Butterfly)
Polyommatus icarus (Common Blue)
Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral)
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